Cesare Scurati – “Classroom and playground: a combination essential to Don Bosco’s scheme of total education” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Cesare Scurati in his essay focuses on Don Bosco’s intuition in the need to integrate school activites with the extra ones, that is games and physical activities. These latter types of activities allow young people to express their vitality and increase their skills at a relational level.

Cesare Scurati nel suo saggio si focalizza sull’intuizione che ebbe Don Bosco nella necessità di integrare alle attività scolastiche quelle extracurriculari, ovvero giochi ed attività fisica. Quest’ultimi tipi di attività permettono ai giovani di esprimere la loro vitalità e di accrescere le loro competenze a livello relazionale.


  • 1. Beyond syntheses
  • 2. The crux of the matter 
  • 3. A solution
    • 3.1 Always the teachers 
    • 3.2 School from the start
    • 3.3 Reading and writing
    • 3.4 Study and the holiness of the young 
  • 4. A problem 
  • 5. Lessons to be learnt 

Reference time period: 1841 – 1884

C. Scurati, Classroom and playground: a combination essential to Don Bosco’s scheme of total education, in Don Bosco’s place in history, edited by Patrick Egan and Mario Midali, LAS, Roma 1993, 365-379.stori

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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