Thomas Anchukandam – “State of salesian historiography in India – problems, and a success story: a history of the salesians of Don Bosco in India from the beginning to 1951-52 by Joseph Thekkedath SDB” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare”

Scaria Thuruthiyil – “Significant educative experiences of Salesians in India from 1906 up to 1951” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014”

The essay describes the educative experiences of Salesians in India from 1906 up to 1951. At first, it speaks about the school system (Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, Technical Schools, and University Colleges). Then it talks about the influence of Don Bosco, like the Preventive System and the experience of “Oratorio di Valdocco”. Finally, it talks about the new building of school with the Salesians education.

Continue reading “Scaria Thuruthiyil – “Significant educative experiences of Salesians in India from 1906 up to 1951” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014””

Bernardette Simsang Sangma – “Le FMA e l’educazione delle giovani nel nord-est dell’India 1923-1953” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014”

Questo articolo è una presentazione dello studio sui primi trent’anni (1923- 1953) della presenza e dell’impianto del carisma salesiano nel nord est dell’india. Il primo gruppo di sei missionarie FMA giunse in questa regione l’8 dicembre 1923. Negli anni, presi in considerazione in questo studio, ci sono state otto fondazioni, delle quali sette sparse nelle diverse parti della regione del nord est ed una nello stato adiacente del West Bengal.

Continue reading “Bernardette Simsang Sangma – “Le FMA e l’educazione delle giovani nel nord-est dell’India 1923-1953” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014””

Jose Kuruvachira – “Inculturation of the salesian charism in India” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014”

Inculturation of the Salesian charism in India implies, making Don Bosco’s charism firmly rooted in Indian culture so that it acquires a truly Indian identity. It has been argued that the case of India is one of the amazing success stories of inculturation of Don Bosco’s charism in the history of the Salesian congregation. The pioneer groups of Salesians who came to India faithfully and creatively implanted and inculturated thè Salesian charism in their “new fatherland”, taking into consideration its religious, social, politicai, economie and cultural ethos and contexts.

Continue reading “Jose Kuruvachira – “Inculturation of the salesian charism in India” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014””

Thomas Anchukandam – “Kristu Jyoti college, Bangalore: the history and significance of the opening of the first Salesian institution in the archdiocese of Bangalore – Part III” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

Mathew Kapplikunnel – “Father Philip Thayil: visionary and innovator (1917-2003)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

It is quite natural that anyone who intends to profile a Salesian personality in South India would quite naturally think of Fr. Philip Thayil as someone deserving of being made known to a wider Salesian readership.

Continue reading “Mathew Kapplikunnel – “Father Philip Thayil: visionary and innovator (1917-2003)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – «Nous t’avons attendu, nous t’avons tellement attendu, mais finalement tu es là: tu es chez nous et tu ne te déroberas pas à nous!» (MB XVIII, 72) Présentation de la Région Asie du Sud


Pascual Chavez Villanueva – «Te hemos esperado, te hemos esperado mucho tiempo, pero finalmente estàs aquì; ahora estàs entre nosostros y no te dejaremos escapar» (MB XVIII, 72; MBe XVIII, 71) Presentación de la Región de Asia Sur


Joseph Thekedathu – “The starting of the first salesian work in Bombay and its consolidation (1928-1950)” in “Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo don Bosco”

Several of the above mentioned factors convinced mgr. Louis Mathias, the first provincial of the Salesians in India, of the importance of starting a Salesian house in Bombay.

Continue reading “Joseph Thekedathu – “The starting of the first salesian work in Bombay and its consolidation (1928-1950)” in “Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo don Bosco””

Thomas Anchukandam – “Don Bosco” in northeast India – A name synonumous with change and societal transformation through education and skill-training” in “Percezione della figura di don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera Salesiana dal 1879 al 1965”

The present paper, after having presented the Northeastern region of India with its various challenges, and indicating the missionary efforts in the region before the coming of the Salesians will proceed to assert that the name “Don Bosco” was from the very beginning associated with change and societal transformation realized through education and that it continues to be regarded as such to this day.

Continue reading “Thomas Anchukandam – “Don Bosco” in northeast India – A name synonumous with change and societal transformation through education and skill-training” in “Percezione della figura di don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera Salesiana dal 1879 al 1965””

Philomena D’Souza – “The presence of don Bosco in the undivided diocese of Mangalore before the arrival of the Salesians” in “Percezione della figura di don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera Salesiana dal 1879 al 1965”

In this context, it is indeed pertinent to explore the interest Don Bosco evinced in sending his missionaries to Mangalore as early as 1876 while it was still a Vicariate Apostolic.

Continue reading “Philomena D’Souza – “The presence of don Bosco in the undivided diocese of Mangalore before the arrival of the Salesians” in “Percezione della figura di don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera Salesiana dal 1879 al 1965””

Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This article looks at the first thirty years of the presence and implantation of the Salesian charism on the soil of North-East India. The first group of six FMA missionaries disembarked in this region on 8 December 1923. During the span of time under consideration, there were eight foundations of which seven were in the North-East and one in West Bengal.

Continue reading “Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Mathew Kapplikunnel – “The implantation of the salesian charism in India: ideals, challenges, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The phase of implantation, expansion and initial consolidation of Salesian presence in India may be considered to be the period from 1906 to 1951/52, i.e. from the arrival of Salesians until the establishment of the two provinces of the North and the South. This paper proposes to study the ideals that led the Salesians during this period, the challenges they faced, their response to these challenges and the results they attained.

Continue reading “Mathew Kapplikunnel – “The implantation of the salesian charism in India: ideals, challenges, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Joseph Thekedathu – “St Francis Xavier’s orphanage and industrial school at Tanjore, South India (1906-1928)”, in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Esperienze particolari in Europa, Africa, Asia”.

The achievements of the Salesians during their 22 years of work at Tanjore were certainly remarkable. When they reached that place, there was just a large parish with a miserably housed middle school catering to about 130 boys and an incipient orphanage with a handful of inmates. Continue reading “Joseph Thekedathu – “St Francis Xavier’s orphanage and industrial school at Tanjore, South India (1906-1928)”, in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Esperienze particolari in Europa, Africa, Asia”.”

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