Antonio Dellagiulia,Giuseppe Crea,Joseph Jeyaraj,Lorenzo Filosa,Robert Ramesh Babu – “The significance of the association between spirituality, well-being and perceived social support of indian college students” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2”

Recent studies conducted in India have shown that both perceived social support and spirituality contribute significantly to increasing life satisfaction of Indian college students.  While perceived social support is a major source of subjective well-being for adolescents, offering them physical and emotional comfort and protection from stressful events, spirituality enhances their purpose in life, interconnectedness with others, profound inner life and transcending of ordinary experiences. Continue reading “Antonio Dellagiulia,Giuseppe Crea,Joseph Jeyaraj,Lorenzo Filosa,Robert Ramesh Babu – “The significance of the association between spirituality, well-being and perceived social support of indian college students” in “Atti del Congresso Internazionale, Roma 20-23 settembre 2018, Vol. 2””

Dominic Veliath – “Encounter of the salesian charism. South Asian context” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The theme of this reflection, entitled: “Encounter of the Salesian Charism: South Asian Context, is self-explanatory. Drawing out its implications, the topic can be articulated in three focal points, implied in the very title, that is, “Salesian charism,” “South Asia,” and finally, the issue of the “Encounter…”.

Continue reading “Dominic Veliath – “Encounter of the salesian charism. South Asian context” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Thomas Koshy – “The relevance of Don Bosco’s preventive system of education in the context of the young at risk in India” in “Con Don Bosco educatori dei giovani del nostro tempo”

On 25th January 2015, Don Bosco Navajeevan (A home for street children/Young at Risk) in Hyderabad received 230 young boys. They were rescued by the police who raided bangle-making units in the Old City in Hyderabad. The children, aged between 8 and 18, had been held as bonded labour. This is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Mr. Satyarthi, the Nobel Prize laureate, says that the Indian cities have a lot more hidden child labourers working under near-slavery conditions. What is worse, the children did not quite appreciate their release from “child labour” and being sent to their home states: Bihar and West Bengal; many of them said that they would return to the same work later. Continue reading “Thomas Koshy – “The relevance of Don Bosco’s preventive system of education in the context of the young at risk in India” in “Con Don Bosco educatori dei giovani del nostro tempo””

Norbert Wolff – “«Au milieu de mes chers Indiens». Lettres de Mgr Eugène Méderlet SDB (Madras) à Mgr Jean-Baptiste Pelt (Metz)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane”

Claudio Eugenio Méderlet (1867-1934), nato in Lorena, dal 1928 è stato vescovo di Madras (Chennai) e primo vescovo salesiano in India.

Continue reading “Norbert Wolff – “«Au milieu de mes chers Indiens». Lettres de Mgr Eugène Méderlet SDB (Madras) à Mgr Jean-Baptiste Pelt (Metz)” in “Ricerche Storiche Salesiane””

Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana”

Don Ricaldone prega ogni giorno e fa pregare perchè il Signore sostenga tutti nei disagi, rischiari nelle difficoltà sempre crescenti, liberi dai pericoli, mantenga tutti uniti nello spirito e nel cuore del Padre, infiammi del suo zelo e renda tutti degni suoi figli nell’immolazione per le anime di fronte agli accresciuti bisogni.

Continue reading “Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana””

Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana”

Don Ricaldone ricorda che ogni settimana prima d’inginocchiarsi ai piedi del Confessore e specialmente nei giorni dell’Esercizio di Buona Morte durante l’anno, è necessario richiamare l’attenzione su quei proponimenti e facendoli oggetto di serie considerazioni.

Continue reading “Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana””

Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana”

Si avvicinano le Feste Natalizie e Don Ricaldone desidera giunga la sua parola di paterno affetto, di augurio, di benedizione. Gli preme invitare a innalzare lo sguardo al Cielo, perchè da esso scende tra armonie di pace, quel Gesù che a tutti porta amore e salvezza.

Continue reading “Pietro Ricaldone – “Lettera del Rettor Maggiore” in “Atti del Capitolo superiore della società salesiana””

Norbert Wolff – Entre la France et l’Allemagne, l’Italie et la Belgique, la Suisse et l’Inde. Notes sur la vie d’Eugène Méderlet (1867-1934) in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

La figura di mons. Eugenio Méderlet – salesiano, missionario, arcivescovo di Madras – non è certo molto nota, soprattutto per il periodo precedente alla sua partenza per le missioni dell’India nel 1907.

Continue reading “Norbert Wolff – Entre la France et l’Allemagne, l’Italie et la Belgique, la Suisse et l’Inde. Notes sur la vie d’Eugène Méderlet (1867-1934) in “Ricerche storiche salesiane””

Morand Wirth – “Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo don Bosco”. Synthèse du volume et propositions d’étude in “Ricerche storiche salesiane”

Souvent citée est la réflexion attribuée à Don Bosco : ‘Vous accomplirez l’œuvre que j’ai commencée ; j’ai tracé les contours, vous étendrez les couleurs…’. Que firent les Salésiens, les Salésiennes et leurs nombreux coopérateurs et amis lorsque leur fondateur disparut ? Se sont-ils contentés de maintenir les travaux lancés par lui ? Continue reading “Morand Wirth – “Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo don Bosco”. Synthèse du volume et propositions d’étude in “Ricerche storiche salesiane””

Angelo Franco – “For the sake of the words”, life of Father Andrew Beltrami, Salesian of Don Bosco

Omegna is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Italian Alps, on the shores of Lake Orta. Its beauty is due not only to the enchanting surrounding landscape, but also to its historical and religious associations of great interest.
Continue reading “Angelo Franco – “For the sake of the words”, life of Father Andrew Beltrami, Salesian of Don Bosco”

Grazia Loparco – “Greeting of president at the opening of the ACCSA seminar of salesian history Sud Asia-India regional conference” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare”

The President opens the Seminar on Salesian History in South Asia-India in 2013. She emphasises the connection between historical research and Salesian identity in the Church and society. Continue reading “Grazia Loparco – “Greeting of president at the opening of the ACCSA seminar of salesian history Sud Asia-India regional conference” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare””

Thomas Anchukandam – “State of salesian historiography in India – problems, and a success story: a history of the salesians of Don Bosco in India from the beginning to 1951-52 by Joseph Thekkedath SDB” in “La storiografia salesiana tra studi e documentazione nella stagione postconciliare”

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – «Nous t’avons attendu, nous t’avons tellement attendu, mais finalement tu es là: tu es chez nous et tu ne te déroberas pas à nous!» (MB XVIII, 72) Présentation de la Région Asie du Sud


Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This article looks at the first thirty years of the presence and implantation of the Salesian charism on the soil of North-East India. The first group of six FMA missionaries disembarked in this region on 8 December 1923. During the span of time under consideration, there were eight foundations of which seven were in the North-East and one in West Bengal.

Continue reading “Bernadette Sangma – “The implantation of the FMA in north-east India vis-à-vis the service of education: ideals, answers, results” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

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