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Abstract |
Era |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 15, 1907 |
CONTENTS St Joseph, the Patron Saint of the Holy Father Report of the Fifth Congress of Sa... |
1907 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 16, 1907 |
CONTENTS Don Bosco as an Educator Father Celestine Durando, S. S. The Fiftieth Annive... |
1907 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 19, 1907 |
CONTENTS. Pesonal The Conferences Note to Readers and Co-operators Don Bosco and Dominic Savio... |
1907 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 20, 1907 |
CONTENTS The Venerable John Bosco Don Bosco and the Schools Note to Readers and Co-op... |
1907 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 21, 1907 |
CONTENTS After the Vacation A Lesson from Don Bosco The Congress of the Festive Oratories Sale... |
1907 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 22, 1907 |
CONTENTS The Venerable John Bosco Decree for the Beatification and Canonization of the Vei... |
1907 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bullettin 1907, n. 22 |
CONTENTS. The Venerable John Bosco Decree for the Benetification and Canonization of the Ven. Se... |
1907 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1908 |
CONTENTS Annual Letter of our Superior General, the Very Rev. Don Rua, to the Members of the As... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 27, 1908 |
CONTENTS An intention for March Important Notice A Sequel to our Superior General’s L... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 28, 1908 |
CONTENTS. The Schools and Religious Instruction Appeal to past pupils Notes on the Decree of th... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 29, 1908 |
CONTENTS Important Notice Our Venerable founder and Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians Com... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 30, 1908 |
CONTENTS The month of June Considerations The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East ... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 31, 1908 |
CONTENTS The New Salesian Church of Santa Maria Liberarice in Rome Half-way The Very ... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1908 |
CONTENTS The Venerable Don Bosco The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East The New Apost... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 33, 1908 |
CONTENTS. Counsels of the Venerable Don Bosco The New Church of Santa Maria Liberatrice in Rome ... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 36, 1908 |
CONTENTS The Very Rev. Don Rua An International Society for the Diffusion od the Good Press Bio... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 35, 1908 |
CONTENTS The Holy Father Bibliographical notes on his Holiness Pope Pius X Peters Pence Notes ... |
1908 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 1-2, 1909 |
CONTENTS. Annual Letter of our Superior General the Very Ren. Don Rua to the members of the Assoc... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bullettin, n°11, 1909 |
CONTENTS. The Faithful Departed Co-operation Among the Past Students of the Daughters of Mary H... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 5, 1909 |
CONTENTS Our Lady and the “ Venerabile” An approaching jubilee The Venerable Don Bosco’s Aposto... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 3, 1909 |
CONTENTS Early Benefactors The earthquake on the 28th of December Indulgences Th... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 4, 1909 |
CONTENTS The coming month The Conference Charitable aid for the survivors The Venerable Don Bo... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 6, 1909 |
CONTENTS The Month's Devotion Thy Kingdom come The Venerable Don Bosco's Apostolate News from ... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 10, 1909 |
CONTENTS The Holy Rosary The care of the young The Ven. Don Bosco’s Apostolate From the Ruins ... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 7, 1909 |
CONTENTS July 1860-July 1909 Indulgences The venerable Don Bosco's Apostolate The Blessed Joan... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 8, 1909 |
CONTENTS In commemoration of the Jubilee Year Feed my sheep Book Notice His Lordship Mgr. Mare... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 9, 1909 |
CONTENTS To Readers The training of the Young Events at the Oratory Important Notice to the Re... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 12, 1909 |
CONTENTS To the Reader A notable Event The Salesian Society The Fifth General Me... |
1909 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 15, 1910 |
CONTENTS St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church Don Rua's severe illness The Salesian Societ... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 13, 1910 |
CONTENTS The New Year From our Superior General, the Very Rev. D. Rua, to the Association ... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 16, 1910 |
CONTENTS Don Rua’s illness April 1846. — A Reminiscence A Jubilee year The Sixth... |
1910 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 18-19, 1910 |
CONTENTS The Death of Don Rua The illness Towards the end His death The... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 20, 1910 |
CONTENTS The Schools An Afterthought The Tomb of Our Founder The Venerable Don Bosco ... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 21, 1910 |
CONTENTS September The Message of the Sovereign Pontiff Book notices In memory of D. Rua ... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 24, 1910 |
CONTENTS The Very Rev. Don Albera, Second Successor of the Ven. Don Bosco The Closing Year... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, 1910, n. 23 |
CONTENTS A recommendation The third General Exhibition o f the Professional Schools and Agricul... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 14, 1910 |
CONTENTS A duty and a necessity indulgences The Congregation of the Daughters of Mary... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 22, 1910 |
CONTENTS The message of Don Rua’s Successor to the Cooperators The second Successor of Don Bosco... |
1910 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 34, 1911 |
CONTENTS Tue Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians constituted a Pontifical Basilica Indulge... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 29, 1911 |
CONTENTS. The Month of May Suggestions The Salesian Society The Calabrian Catastrophe Salesia... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911 |
CONTENTS The first annual letter of the Second Successor of Ven. Don Bosco How Christmas is cele... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911 |
CONTENTS The first annual letter of the Second Successor of Veil. Don Bosco How Christmas ... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 26, 1911 |
CONTENTS The Patron of the Holy Father Pius X The Twenty-Third Anniversary of the death of... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 30, 1911 |
CONTENTS The Ven. Don Bosco’s Recommendations At the tomb of Don Rua Salesian. Notes and News ... |
1911 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 33, 1911 |
CONTENTS The New Term The International Congres of Past-Pupils Don Bosco Religious Progr... |
1911 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1911 |
CONTENTS The Co-operators An open letter to all the Past-Students of Salesian Schools... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 27-28 1911 |
CONTENTS The coming month Reflections and proposals The Anniversary of D. Rua’s Death... |
1911 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 35, 1911 |
CONTENTS The Faithful Departed The 1st Congress of Salesian Past-Pupils The first day Th... |
1911 |
Bollettino salesiano |
Salesian Bulletin, n° 31, 1911 |
CONTENTS The Co-operators First International Congress of our past pupils In memory of Don Rua... |
1911 |
Salesian Bulletin |
Salesian Bulletin,n° 9, 1912 |
CONTENTS. The Twenty-fifth Year The New Scholastic Year The Christian Education of the Young ... |
1912 |