Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 15, 1907 CONTENTS St Joseph, the Patron Saint of the Holy Father Report of the Fifth Congress of Sa... 1907
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 16, 1907 CONTENTS Don Bosco as an Educator Father Celestine Durando, S. S. The Fiftieth Annive... 1907
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin, n° 19, 1907 CONTENTS. Pesonal The Conferences Note to Readers and Co-operators Don Bosco and Dominic Savio... 1907
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin, n° 20, 1907 CONTENTS The Venerable John Bosco Don Bosco and the Schools Note to Readers and Co-op... 1907
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 21, 1907 CONTENTS After the Vacation A Lesson from Don Bosco The Congress of the Festive Oratories Sale... 1907
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 22, 1907 CONTENTS The Venerable John Bosco Decree for the Beatification and Canonization of the Vei... 1907
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bullettin 1907, n. 22 CONTENTS. The Venerable John Bosco Decree for the Benetification and Canonization of the Ven. Se... 1907
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1908 CONTENTS Annual Letter of our Superior General, the Very Rev. Don Rua, to the Members of the As... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 27, 1908 CONTENTS An intention for March Important Notice A Sequel to our Superior General’s L... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin,n° 28, 1908 CONTENTS. The Schools and Religious Instruction Appeal to past pupils Notes on the Decree of th... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 29, 1908 CONTENTS Important Notice Our Venerable founder and Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians Com... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 30, 1908 CONTENTS The month of June Considerations The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East ... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 31, 1908 CONTENTS The New Salesian Church of Santa Maria Liberarice in Rome Half-way The Very ... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1908 CONTENTS The Venerable Don Bosco The Very Rev. Don Rua in the Near East The New Apost... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin,n° 33, 1908 CONTENTS. Counsels of the Venerable Don Bosco The New Church of Santa Maria Liberatrice in Rome ... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 36, 1908 CONTENTS The Very Rev. Don Rua An International Society for the Diffusion od the Good Press Bio... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin,n° 35, 1908 CONTENTS The Holy Father Bibliographical notes on his Holiness Pope Pius X Peters Pence Notes ... 1908
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 1-2, 1909 CONTENTS. Annual Letter of our Superior General the Very Ren. Don Rua to the members of the Assoc... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bullettin, n°11, 1909 CONTENTS. The Faithful Departed  Co-operation Among the Past Students of the Daughters of Mary H... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin,n° 5, 1909 CONTENTS Our Lady and the “ Venerabile” An approaching jubilee The Venerable Don Bosco’s Aposto... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 3, 1909 CONTENTS Early Benefactors The earthquake on the 28th of December Indulgences Th... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 4, 1909 CONTENTS The coming month The Conference Charitable aid for the survivors The Venerable Don Bo... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 6, 1909 CONTENTS The Month's Devotion Thy Kingdom come The Venerable Don Bosco's Apostolate News from ... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 10, 1909 CONTENTS The Holy Rosary The care of the young The Ven. Don Bosco’s Apostolate From the Ruins ... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 7, 1909 CONTENTS July 1860-July 1909 Indulgences The venerable Don Bosco's Apostolate The Blessed Joan... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 8, 1909 CONTENTS In commemoration of the Jubilee Year Feed my sheep Book Notice His Lordship Mgr. Mare... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 9, 1909 CONTENTS To Readers The training of the Young Events at the Oratory Important Notice to the Re... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 12, 1909 CONTENTS To the Reader A notable Event The Salesian Society The Fifth General Me... 1909
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 15, 1910 CONTENTS St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church Don Rua's severe illness The Salesian Societ... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 13, 1910 CONTENTS The New Year From our Superior General, the Very Rev. D. Rua, to the Association ... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 16, 1910 CONTENTS Don Rua’s illness April 1846. — A Reminiscence A Jubilee year The Sixth... 1910
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin,n° 18-19, 1910 CONTENTS The Death of Don Rua The illness Towards the end His death The... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 20, 1910 CONTENTS The Schools An Afterthought The Tomb of Our Founder The Venerable Don Bosco ... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 21, 1910 CONTENTS September The Message of the Sovereign Pontiff Book notices In memory of D. Rua  ... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 24, 1910 CONTENTS The Very Rev. Don Albera, Second Successor of the Ven. Don Bosco The Closing Year... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, 1910, n. 23 CONTENTS A recommendation The third General Exhibition o f the Professional Schools and Agricul... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 14, 1910 CONTENTS A duty and a necessity indulgences The Congregation of the Daughters of Mary... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 22, 1910 CONTENTS The message of Don Rua’s Successor to the Cooperators The second Successor of Don Bosco... 1910
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 34, 1911 CONTENTS Tue Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians constituted a Pontifical Basilica Indulge... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 29, 1911 CONTENTS. The Month of May Suggestions The Salesian Society The Calabrian Catastrophe Salesia... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911 CONTENTS The first annual letter of the Second Successor of Ven. Don Bosco How Christmas is cele... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 25, 1911 CONTENTS The first annual letter of the Second Successor of Veil. Don Bosco How Christmas ... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 26, 1911 CONTENTS The Patron of the Holy Father Pius X The Twenty-Third Anniversary of the death of... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 30, 1911 CONTENTS The Ven. Don Bosco’s Recommendations At the tomb of Don Rua Salesian. Notes and News ... 1911
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin,n° 33, 1911 CONTENTS The New Term The International Congres of Past-Pupils Don Bosco Religious Progr... 1911
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin, n° 32, 1911 CONTENTS The Co-operators An open letter to all the Past-Students of Salesian Schools... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 27-28 1911 CONTENTS The coming month Reflections and proposals The Anniversary of D. Rua’s Death... 1911
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin, n° 35, 1911 CONTENTS The Faithful Departed The 1st Congress of Salesian Past-Pupils The first day Th... 1911
Bollettino salesiano Salesian Bulletin, n° 31, 1911 CONTENTS The Co-operators  First International Congress of our past pupils In memory of Don Rua... 1911
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin,n° 9, 1912 CONTENTS. The Twenty-fifth Year The New Scholastic Year The Christian Education of the Young ... 1912

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