Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Michael Ribotta "«The road not taken». The Salesian's circuitous road to North America" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In the fall of 1870, for reasons that have never been documented, Don Bosco did not answer Archbisho... 1850 - 1884
William John Dickson "The dynamics of growth. The foundation and development of the salesians in England" What follows is an attempt to write a history of the foundation and development of the Salesians in ... 1889 - 1940
Richard Wanner "Don Bosco's gift to the Church: a spirituality for youth" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a product of Piedmont in northern Italy. His seventy-two years spanne... 1815 - 1888
Michael Ribotta "The day they shut down the oratory school" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" On June 30, 1879, after numerous attempts to stave off the inevitable, Don Bosco was finally compell... 1855 - 1879
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's vocation - mission dreams" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Don Bosco's vocation dreams hold an important place in Don Bosco's vocational development and in the... 1824 - 1884
Michael Mendl "St. John Bosco's dealings with the Cavour family" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In carrying out his humble apostolate on behalf of poor and abandoned boys, Saint John Bosco (1815-1... 1814 - 1866
Arthur Lenti "«The most wonderful day of my life» - The sesquicentennial of Don Bosco' s ordination remembered" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" This paper will survey that period in Don Bosco's life that saw him ordained a priest. It will not b... 1841 - 1991
Michael Ribotta "Don Bosco's venture into popular education - The Gentleman's Almanac" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" When New Year's Day dawned in Turin in 1854, the subscribers to Don Bosco's Catholic Readings (Lettu... 1854 - 1879
Peter Rinaldi "Blessed Philip Rinaldi as I knew him" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Father Philip Rinaldi was my granduncle on myfather's side. For us youngsters he was the tall, smili... 1856 - 1931
Arthur Lenti "The Convitto Ecclesiastico - «Where one learnt to be a priest»" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Don Bosco then goes on to describe the nature and purpose of the Convitto. It was a kind of ' finish... 1814 - 1882
Michael Ribotta "Hero or villain: Don Bosco as seen in the press of his time" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" One spring day in 1860 Don Bosco was startled by a newsvendor's cry. "Read all about it! Don Bosco i... 1848 - 1888
Jack Ayers "The «Salesianity» that wins all hearts" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The reader may be surprised to learn that at the first canonical assembly of Salesians, Don Bosco wa... 1835 - 1877
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's missionary dreams (Part I)" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Because of the vastness of the subject and of the amount of material involved, this essay will be pr... 1871 - 1885
Michael Ribotta "Peter Enria Remembers" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Included in the copious documentation that comprises the chronicles and annals of the early history ... 1841 - 1898
Egidio Viganò The prophetic stimulus of the European Synod Contents: Introduction The European Bishops Synod Collapse of ideologies? Exhortation to apost... 1992
Philip J. Pascucci "Once upon a time in old New York" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" During the years following the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the Italian immigrant mad... 1842 - 1954
Luciano Pazzaglia Don Bosco's option for youth and his educational approach in «Don Bosco's place in history» This essay deals with the educational method adopted by Don Bosco. The Saint saved many young worker... 1841 - 1877
Guy Avanzini Don Bosco's pedagogy in the context of the 19th century in «Don Bosco's place in history» The author of the essay noted how in France Don Bosco is not mentioned (except for the French Salesi... 1841 - 1855
Giorgio Chiosso "Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)" in "Don Bosco's place in history" This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created... 1841 - 1855
José Manuel Prellezo Don Bosco and professional schools (1870-1887) in «Don Bosco's place in history» Prellezo traces the birth and the development and organization phases of the vocational schools esta... 1870 - 1887
Anita Deleidi Don Bosco and Maria Domenica Mazzarello: their historical and spiritual relationship in «Don Bosco's place in history» In this paper the author describes how the spiritual bond between Don Bosco and Maria Mazzarello was... 1862 - 1881
Ramón Alberdi Don Bosco and the Catholic associations in Spain in «Don Bosco's place in history» Don Bosco has established relationships with Catholic associations not only in Italy, but also abroa... 1844 - 1888
Massimo Marcocchi At the roots of Don Bosco's spirituality in «Don Bosco's place in history» Marco Marcocchi in his essay tries to shed light on the type of reality in which Don Bosco lived, wo... 1814 - 1844
Giuseppe Tuninetti The conflict between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883) in «Don Bosco's place in history» This paper outlines the reasons that led to the clash between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin,... 1871 - 1883
Juan María Laboa Don Bosco's experience and sense of the Church in «Don Bosco's place in history» Juan M. Laboa in his paper focuses mainly on Don Bosco's image of the Church, the only place where t... 1850 - 1870
Don Bosco and the Church in the world of the Ninetheenth century in «Don Bosco's place in history» Emile Poulat in his essay traces some reflections concerning the Church in the 19th century, the fig... 1875 - 1888
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's Missionary Dreams (Part II)" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In Part One of the present installment (Part Four overall), we shall discuss the last two dreams in ... 1885 - 1886
Francesco Motto Don Bosco's letters as a source for knowledge and study on Don Bosco. Project for a critical edition in «Don Bosco's place in history» Francesco Motto si è occupato della raccolta e, in seguito, della pubblicazione di un'edizione criti... 1835 - 2021
Francis Desramaut The methods adopted by the authors of the "Memorie biografiche" in «Don Bosco's place in history» Francis Desramaut presenta nel suo saggio le varie fasi e le risorse che hanno portato alla pubblica... 1883 - 1939
Pietro Stella An assessment of our knowledge of Don Bosco in «Don Bosco's place in history» Il presente saggio, scritto da Pietro Stella, descrive brevemente gli studi fatti sul metodo educati... 1850 - 1987
Michael Ribotta, Natale Cerrato "EXPO' 84 and Don Bosco's peerless-to- paper-to-print presentation" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Turin's EXPO '84 was to become the bittersweet culmination of Don Bosco's remarkable and varied care... 1860 - 1884
Arthur Lenti "The Bosco-Gastaldi Conflict (1872-82), Part I" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" The conflict between Archbishop Lawrence Gastaldi and Don Bosco may at first sight appear to have be... 1872 - 1882
Michael Mendl "A man for his times: Father Peter Ricaldone as Rector Major (1932-1951), Part I" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" Peter Ricaldone was a major superior of the Salesian Society for forty years, half of them as rector... 1870 - 1932
Pietro Stella "An Assessment of our Knowledge of Don Bosco and of the Works about Him" in "Don Bosco’s place in history. Acts of the 1st International Congress of Don Bosco Studies (Salesian Pontifical University, Rome 16-20 January 1989)" Francesco Traniello, a specialist in the history of the Catholic movement, highlighted the evolving ... 1886 - 1988
Michael Ribotta "Don Bosco's history of Italy: a morality play or an exercise in history?" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" "If Don Bosco during his student years had one special preference, it was for reading history," note... 1845 - 1859
Stefano Pivato Don Bosco and the popular theatre in «Don Bosco's place in history» The present essay focuses on Don Bosco's decision to adopt Catholic popular theatre as a further edu... 1847 - 1870
Raffaele Farina The state of the Central Salesian Archives and their use in «Don Bosco's place in history» This paper reconstructs the fundamental stages that have marked the history of the Central Salesian ... 1860 - 1988
Francesco Malgeri "Don Bosco's work as a publisher" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Don Bosco, as Francesco Malgeri points out, has published throughout his life various types of texts... 1830 - 1888
Francesco Traniello Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy in «Don Bosco's place in history» This essay focuses on Don Bosco's contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion thro... 1840 - 1890
Pietro Scoppola "Don Bosco and «modernity»" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Scoppola in his essay focuses on the aspects that bring Don Bosco's work closer to "modernity... 1840 - 1870
Pietro Braido "Prospects for future research on Don Bosco" in "Don Bosco's place in history" Pietro Braido in his essay (final contribution of the Congress) retraces the central points treated ... 1840 - 1982
María Esther Posada The Institute of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians, and Don Bosco in «Don Bosco's place in history» The theme addressed in this essay concerns the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary,... 1860 - 1876
Giuseppe Bracco Don Bosco and civil society in «Don Bosco's place in history» The author of this paper outlines some aspects from the social and historical point of view of the c... 1840 - 1880
Silvio Tramontin Don Bosco and the world of work in «Don Bosco's place in history» Silvio Tramontin, in his essay, analyzes the concept of "work" according to the vision of Don Bosco.... 1850 - 1891
Franco Molinari Church and World in Don Bosco's "Storia Ecclesiastica" in «Don Bosco's place in history» Don Bosco in his book "Ecclesiastical History" talks about the Church and the World and their bond, ... 1740 - 1850
Mary Treacy "Mother Marie-Louise-Angelique Clarac and Don Bosco - an idea matures" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In the first part of his study on the "Bosco-Gastaldi conflict", Arthur Lenti drew attention to anot... 1817 - 1887
Michael Ribotta "The Roman Letter of 1884 and its aftermath" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" In retrospect, one can appreciate why Don Bosco had become so distraught by the message that was pla... 1884 - 1927
Joseph Boenzi "Paolo Albera's visits during Don Bosco's last illness" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" But if Marseilles was so close, why did "Paolino" Albera not come to Turin during those final days o... 1852 - 1892
Michael Ribotta "Discovering America: Father Raphael Pipemi and the first salesian missionaries in North America" in "Journal of Salesian Studies" A young Italian immigrant, Angelo Petazzi, watched anxiously as the English steamship, the Werra, ap... 1892 - 1927
Michael Mendl "Personnel of the New Rochelle province: increase and decrease, 1946-1988" in "Ricerche storiche salesiane" The years following World War II saw a great rise in the number of ecclesiastical vocations in North... 1946 - 1988

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