Raffaele Farina – “The state of the Central Salesian Archives and their use” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This paper reconstructs the fundamental stages that have marked the history of the Central Salesian Archives: from its transfer to Rome in 1972 to the digitalization of documents.                                                                                                                                                                                     Nel presente saggio vengono ricostruite le tappe fondamentali che hanno segnato la storia dell’Archivio Centrale Salesiano: dal suo trasferimento a Roma, nel 1972, alla digitalizzazione dei documenti.


  • 1. A brief account of the archives from the beginning until 1972
  • 2. The problems following the transfer to Rome (1972)
  • 3. The microfische reproduction of the “Don Bosco Collection” (1979-1980)
  • 4. The recent organization of the Archives (1984-1988)
    • 4.1 The regulations of the Central Salesian Archives (24 May, 1985)
    • 4.2 The preparation for computerization 
    • 4.3 The computerization

Reference time period: 1860 – 1988

R. Farina, The state of the Central Salesian Archives and their use, in Don Bosco’s place in history, edited by Patrick Egan, Mario Midali, LAS, Roma 1993, 85-91. 

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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