Carlo Socol – “I salesiani (FMA e SDB) in Cina, Giappone e Thailandia: problematiche relative all’introduzione del carisma di Don Bosco nell’Est Asia”

Il periodo dei rettorati di don Filippo Rinaldi (1922-1931) e di don Pietro Ricaldone (1931-1951) fu caratterizzato da una notevole espansione del lavoro salesiano nel mondo, avente come principali destinatarie e protagoniste le più popolose e culturalmente diverse nazioni asiatiche, realizzata con strategie innovative messe a punto gradualmente in un rapporto dialettico tra centro e periferia, e con il coinvolgimento della S. Sede che su una Congregazione salesiana in forte espansione aveva riposto notevole fiducia: espansione, strategie e rapporto dialettico che hanno plasmato le Missioni salesiane fino al Concilio.

Continue reading “Carlo Socol – “I salesiani (FMA e SDB) in Cina, Giappone e Thailandia: problematiche relative all’introduzione del carisma di Don Bosco nell’Est Asia””

Anna Grassi – “La figura di Don Bosco per il popolo e i giovani in Thailandia «un cuore di padre»” in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965”

L’apprezzamento e l’amore per don Bosco è stato espresso dai cittadini thailandesi, quasi tutti buddisti, già dal primo anno della presenza dei missionari salesiani, 1927.

Continue reading “Anna Grassi – “La figura di Don Bosco per il popolo e i giovani in Thailandia «un cuore di padre»” in “Percezione della figura di Don Bosco all’esterno dell’Opera salesiana dal 1879 al 1965””

Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II

This article delves into the nascent years of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Thailand from 1931 to 1952. Invited by Fr. Gaetano Pasotti, the Acting Provincial of the Salesian Congregation and later the first Salesian Bishop in Thailand, the FMA responded to the call to assist in the mission field initiated by the Salesian Fathers in 1927. Continue reading “Ana Rosa Sivori – “The beginning of the daughters of Mary help of christians in Thailand. The first twenty years (1931-1952)” in “The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia” Acts of the seminar on salesian history, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2004. Vol II”

Enrico Danieli – “The initium of the salesian presence in Thailand” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

In the years 1924-25, the Salesian Congregation was preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Salesian missions and to this purpose some qualified confreres were giving talks on Salesian Missions, in parishes, schools, to cooperators and alumni to animate them about the missionary work and to get their support. On the 25h of February 1924,Msgr. Dante Munerati, the Salesian Procurator in Rome, wrote a letter to inform the Superiors in Turin that he had received an unofficial note from His Excellency Cardinal Van Rossum, Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, saying that he would like to entrust a new mission in the Kingdom of Siam to the Salesians. Continue reading “Enrico Danieli – “The initium of the salesian presence in Thailand” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.”

Maliwan Paramathawirote,Paranal Phengpinit – “The salesian charism in SIHM’s life and mission in the local church” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

The Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SIHM) would like to acknowledge the invitation to contribute to the Seminar of EAO on “Implantation of the Salesian Charism in the Region: Ideals, Challenges, Answers and Results”. Being a member of the Salesian Family, we too are eager to study and know more about this precious gift.

Continue reading “Maliwan Paramathawirote,Paranal Phengpinit – “The salesian charism in SIHM’s life and mission in the local church” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Anna Grassi,Teresa Pharksuwan – “Witness of fidelity, rich in hope. Ideals, challenges, answers, results of the first 30 years of FMA in Thailand” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper, which investigates the first thirty years of the history of the Thai FMA Province of “St Mary Mazzarello” through the lived experience of is members from the first batch of missionaries who came to Siam in 1931 to the 14th group in 1961, takes on added significance in the context of the celebration of the 75 years of FMA presence in Thailand two years ago and our present project of completing the chronicles of the Province.

Continue reading “Anna Grassi,Teresa Pharksuwan – “Witness of fidelity, rich in hope. Ideals, challenges, answers, results of the first 30 years of FMA in Thailand” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Enrico Danieli – “The salesian charism in the new cultural environment of the kingdom of Siam in the first 30 years” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This paper aims to present the situation prevailing in the Kingdom of Siam at the time of the arrival of the first Salesians and the unexpected turn of evens which posed challenges to them.

Continue reading “Enrico Danieli – “The salesian charism in the new cultural environment of the kingdom of Siam in the first 30 years” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Nestor Impelido – “The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results”

This study also aims to present the various congregations founded by some of the Salesian missionaries who worked in the East Asian region of the known Salesian world.

Continue reading “Nestor Impelido – “The growth of the salesian charism in the EAO region: religious institutes founded by salesians” in “Implantation of the Salesian charism in Asia – Ideals, challenges, answers, results””

Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB is the Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary. The History and the development of this Institution are strictly connected with the life of the Founder.

Continue reading “Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the Immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

The universal call of the people of God to holiness is carried out in a special way by the members of the Congregation of Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SIHM). The sign of God’s merciful love towards the lnstitute is clearly manifested in the history especially at the time of birth in the Church, through its founder and its history.

Continue reading “Maliwan Paramathawirote – “The identity of the sisters servants of the Immaculate heart of Mary in Thailand” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo””

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