Eunan McDonnell – “Holy indifference. Freeing the heart for pure love” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

The theme of Pure Love is essential to understanding a Salesian spirituality as lived within the Visitandine tradition. This article explores pure love through the lens of holy indifference which is essential for true spiritual freedom. It concludes with an examination of holy indifference as lived by Mary the paradigm of pure love.

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Riolando Azzi – “A educação salesiana na emergência da burguesia brasileira”, in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2”

Durante os primeiros quatro décadas de sua presença no Brasil, os religiosos salesianos fundaram vários tipos de obras, onde puderam realizar seu projeto educativo: os oratórios festivos, as escolas profissionais e agrícolas e, principalmente, os colégios, com suas diversas divisões: colégio, semi-internato e internato. Continue reading “Riolando Azzi – “A educação salesiana na emergência da burguesia brasileira”, in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

Fullness of life and the happiness of human beings is the ultimate purpose of the plan of God. The Gospel of Christ shows great trust in humanity. It demands that we pay attention to the unique reality of every person and their willingness to accept their vocation and destiny in  Christ, the perfect man. The Gospel proposes the good news (the person of Christ) who invites everyone to share in Christ’s sonship, the foundation of the freedom and dignity of every  person. Don Bosco educated and evangelised by carrying out a project of holistic development. He saw education as the growth of the person, with all the means necessary to assist the  person. Evangelisation inspires people to the fullness of life offered in Jesus and enlightens  them in its pursuit, always respecting the developing conscience of each person. Finally,  regarding the choice of fi eld of ministry, we are sent to the poor, especially the poorest, and to ordinary class environments, where we seek to humanise and evangelise the culture. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “From Christ the evangeliser to the evangelising church” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

An updated presentation of Salesian Youth Ministry requires refl ection not only of a charismatic type but also of a theological nature. Youth Ministry as an activity of the ecclesial community demands of us a deep theological and ecclesiological study. This chapter expounds three basic convictions: Jesus Christ, the evangeliser who proclaimed communion with God  and communion between people (fraternal love), is the full revelation of God as a community of love. The Church is the mystery of Communion and mission, animated and sustained by the  Spirit of God. The Salesian Congregation shares the Church’s evangelising mission, with a  specific option for the young. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “From Christ the evangeliser to the evangelising church” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 8: Strutture e processi d’animazione della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

L’animazione e il coordinamento della pastorale vengono ordinati a diversi livelli: locale, ispettoriale, interispettoriale e mondiale. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 8: Strutture e processi d’animazione della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Thelían Argeo Corona Cortés – “La educación salesiana en Bolivia, La Paz y Sucre, 1896-1922. Análisis histórico de las instancias y acciones educativas”, in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2”

El propósito de nuestro estudio es resaltar los resultados de la educación salesiana.

¿Qué significaba la educación salesiana para el desarrollo que Bolivia experimentó en los años de la llegada de los salesianos? ¿Hay elementos que nos permitan evaluar y demostrar las acciones originales? ¿Existen contribuciones significativas? ¿Quiénes fueron alcanzados por la educación salesiana y cómo se irradió en el entorno social? Continue reading “Thelían Argeo Corona Cortés – “La educación salesiana en Bolivia, La Paz y Sucre, 1896-1922. Análisis histórico de las instancias y acciones educativas”, in “L’educazione salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Istanze ed attuazioni in diversi contesti. Relazioni Regionali: America, vol. 2””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 7: Attività e opere della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

Si propongono alcune riflessioni sulle caratteristiche più importanti delle opere e dei servizi nei
quali si realizza la Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana espressa nel Progetto Educativo-Pastorale. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 7: Attività e opere della Pastorale Giovanile Salesiana” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 4: Il sistema preventivo: una esperienza spirituale ed educativa” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La chiamata, da parte di Dio, di Don Bosco per una missione di salvezza della gioventù, specialmente dei più poveri, coinvolge molte persone e gruppi in una convergenza spirituale ed in condivisione educativa e pastorale: il Sistema Preventivo. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 4: Il sistema preventivo: una esperienza spirituale ed educativa” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Richard Wanner – “Don Bosco’s gift to the Church: a spirituality for youth” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

St. John Bosco (1815-1888) was a product of Piedmont in northern Italy. His seventy-two years spanned a time of industrialization in Turin and other major cities and the complexities of Italian unification. Despite an often harsh anti-clerical atmosphere and the volatile political situation , a number of saints rose to prominence in nineteenth century Piedmont.

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Michael Ribotta – “«The road not taken». The Salesian’s circuitous road to North America” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In the fall of 1870, for reasons that have never been documented, Don Bosco did not answer Archbishop Joseph Alemany’s invitation to travel the El Camino Real in the land of El Dorado.

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Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Boswell: John Baptist Lemoyne-the man and his work” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Part I will present a biographical sketch of the man; Part II will deal with the sources and the editorial history of the Biographical Memoirs; and Part III will inquire into the historical criteria and into the method with which the author worked, for an evaluation (by way of conclusion) of the historical character of the Biographical Memoirs.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “Don Bosco’s Boswell: John Baptist Lemoyne-the man and his work” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Arthur Lenti – “The earliest biographies of Don Bosco and their english translations” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

Therefore, all early biography on Don Bosco, including Fr. Lemoyne’s and his successors’, should be approached with the right understanding of its popular medieval religious roots. On no account ought it to be dismissed as novelized history, which it is not.

Continue reading “Arthur Lenti – “The earliest biographies of Don Bosco and their english translations” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

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