Michele Pellerey – Formazione degli adulti e comunità di pratica oggi

Educare implica in primo luogo la disponibilità a prendersi cura dell’altro. Educare, in altre parole, coinvolge sempre particolari disposizioni etiche come il saper cogliere, nel volto e nella parola dell’altro, la sua domanda di aiuto ed esser pronto a cercare di rispondere a questo appello, impegnando in tale impresa le proprie risorse spirituali, culturali e professionali.

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Peter Gonsalves – Johnny Bosco’s communication competence. A theory-guided study of Don Bosco’s autobiographical anecdotes: 1825-1835

Based on the premise that the effectiveness of educators is intrinsically linked to their competence as communicators, the author sets out to analyse the early life of don Bosco through his autobiographical writings in the Memoirs of the Oratory.

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Juan Edmundo Vecchi – Communication in the Salesian Mission «They were astonished beyond measure! He has done all things well; he even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak»


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