Giovanni Bosco – Conversazioni tra un avvocato ed un curato di campagna sul sacramento della confessione per cura del Sac. Bosco Giovanni

Cattolico allontanato dalla Confessione e abbandonato a se medesimo cammina da abisso in abisso, e qual debole pianta senza riparo, esposta alla gagliardìa dei venti, giunge ai più deplorabili eccessi. Per distruggere dalle fondamenta l’idea della Confessione i protestanti stampano e gettano di continuo in faccia ai cattolici, che la Confessione non è stata instituita da Dio, epperciò doversi riprovare.

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Giovanni Bosco – Maniera facile per imparare la storia sacra ad uso del popolo cristiano per cura del Sac. Bosco Giovanni

La presente Storia Sacra è destinata ad uso de’ cattolici, e specialmente di coloro che o per occupazione o per mancanza di studio non possono percorrere libri di maggior mole e di più elevata erudizione.

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Francis J. Moloney – Salesians beyond 2000

In the article, Fr. Frank looks at the images of God and Community and poses questions that young people in Western Societies are facing on the threshold of the Third Millennium. He moves from the contemporary to the scriptural, and looks at the figure of Jesus and questions of discipleship as posed in the New Testament. What is the significance of discipleship in the Gospels? How does this significance speak to our reality? to our vocation as Christians, and as Salesians? These are the questions of the middle portion of Fr. Moloney’ s reflections.

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Suzanne C. Toczyski – ‘Because she has shown great love’. Female figures of the Gospels in St. Francis de Sales’ Traité de l’amour de Dieu

In a very unique way, the women of the Gospels whose stories Francis cites are noteworthy in that they, to varying extents, enjoyed a personal relationship with Jesus himself, and thus with God. Their understanding of sacred love is therefore particularly profound.

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John Dickson – Refounding or renewal? A historical case study

What strategies are to be adopted to make religious communities arise from the trough of aging and the scarcity of vocations? G. ARBUCKLE in the volume entitled ‘Out of chaos’ invites superiors to ‘refound individuals’ on the basis of pointers from anthropology, management techniques and the concept of Old Testament prophecy (while merely skimming over the New Testament and the history of religious life). From this latter source on the other hand R. HOSTIE, in a volume entitled ‘Life and death of religious orders’, shows that their survival derives from their renewal. In other words, Arbuckle focuses on the pastoral needs of the present day and leaves aside fidelity to the original charism of Institutes. On the other hand Hostie studies precisely this fidelity and sees in it the only possibility of survival. The thesis of the A. regarding ‘the foundation and development of the salesian congregation in England’ (of which a concise account is given) demonstrates the solid and consistent nature of the general approach of Hostie, which is lacking in Arbuckle.

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