Thumbnail Author Title Abstract Era
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 3-4, 1893 CONTENTS THE POPE’S JUBILEE DON RUA to Salesian Co-operators Fuegians at the Feet of His Holiness... 1893
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 2, 1892 CONTENTS West Battersea, A Memorable Day: Blessing the Corner Stone—What the New Church is Like Co... 1892
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin. Announcement and preliminary copy. CONTENTSEditorial  Our Bulletin, our Programme Salesian Cooperators Don Bosco’s Apostolate Orig... 1892
Salesian Bulletin Salesian Bulletin, n° 1, 1892 Table of contents To our Co-operators & Benefactors A New Salesian Church (London) Our Lady... 1892
Jorge Moraga Cancionero Salesiano (Spotify Playlist) Playlist of Salesian songs created by Jorge Moraga on Spotify.Languages: English, Spanish, Italiano,... 2018 - 2024
Nestor C. Impelido The beginnings of the salesian presence in East Asia. Part one. The salesians of Don Bosco This document introduces the proceedings of the ACSSA Seminar held in Hong Kong in December 2004, wh... 2006
Thomas Anchukandam Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College. Bangalore (1967-1976) The text deals with the theological formation of the Salesians in India, with particular reference t... 1967 - 1976
Chris Saldanha "Missionary work in the context of other religions (excluding islam)" in "Lettura missionaria di «Educare i giovani alla fede»" This document provides an in-depth exploration of major non-Christian religions in predominantly non... 1991
Autori Vari Lettura missionaria di «Educare i giovani alla fede» Il primo incontro tra procuratori e delegati ispettoriali di animazione missionaria d'Europa e Stati... 1991
Autori Vari Primo congresso mondiale degli exallievi ed exallieve di Don Bosco e delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice: Atti e documenti, Roma 3-9 novembre 1988 Nel centenario della morte di Don Bosco, le Confederazioni Mondiali degli exallievi ed exallieve di ... 1888 - 1988
Eugenio Ceria Don Bosco with God After Don Bosco's death, the main concern of his sons and all those who felt called to continue his ... 1815 - 1888
Francis Desramaut Don Bosco and the spiritual life Don Bosco (1815-1888) was the acrobat-saint, priest, journalist, and apostle of poor and abandoned y... 1815 - 1890
Morand Wirth Don Bosco and the salesians This book offers a concise yet comprehensive overview of Saint John Bosco's life and the growth of t... 1815 - 1965
Michele Rua Letters to the confreres of the english province (1887-1909) This extract examines 238 personal letters written by Michael Rua during his tenure as Rector Major.... 1887 - 1909
Autori Vari Africa Salesiana. Youth pastoral in Africa, Nairobi May 12-17, 1986. Pastorale des jeunes en Afrique, Libreville Mai 19-24, 1986 These proceedings speak of the 'Africa Project', initiated by the Salesian Congregation in 1978. It ... 1986
Autori Vari, Lucas Van Looy "Youth pastoral in Africa. Nairobi: May 12-17, 1986" in "Africa Salesiana" In these Acts we speak of the 'Africa Project' initiated by the Salesian Congregation in 1978 out of... 1986
Autori Vari Mary Help of Christians. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee The Silver Jubilee of the Salesian presence in the Vice Province of ZMB is an occasion to rejoice in... 1918 - 2007
Eugenio Ceria Profile of thirty-three salesian coadjutor brothers The idea of writing these profiles originated from the author's previous successful projects. He fel... 1860 - 1950
Angelo Franco Blessed Michael Rua Michael Rua, like Don Bosco, hailed from humble beginnings. Born in Turin on July 9, 1837, to John a... 1837 - 1910
Peter Lappin Zatti. A biography This narrative portrays the life of Artemis Zatti, a young man born into a humble family in Italy in... 1880 - 1951
Senza autore The project of life of the salesians of Don Bosco. A guide to the salesian Constitutions The text provides an overview of the process and objectives behind the creation of a commentary on t... 1984 - 1986
Innocent Clementi Unless the grain of wheat. Luigi Variara an apostle of the Columbia lepers Father Luigi Variara's life story epitomizes the journey of a devout Catholic from Italy to the remo... 1875 - 1923
Senza autore Short sketches of the lives of confreres who died in the province of Saint Philip the Apostle especially during the years 1999 to 2009 The text encapsulates the essence and purpose of compiling the second collection of Short Sketches o... 1999 - 2009
James Heuser August Czartoryski, Eusebia Palomino, Alessandrina da Costa. A family of holiness The recent beatifications within the Salesian Family, including Salesian Father August Czartoryski, ... 1858 - 1956
Pietro Braido "Un nuovo «prete» e la sua formazione culturale secondo Don Bosco" in "Ricerche storiche salesiane" L'autore presenta i risultati preliminari di una ricerca sulla concezione di don Bosco riguardo al p... 1860 - 1879
Carlo Nanni "Il laico cattolico nella scuola. Un documento della Sacra Congregazione per l'Educazione cattolica" in "Orientamenti pedagogici" L'autore presenta i primi risultati di una ricerca sulla concezione di don Bosco riguardo al prete i... 1863 - 1873
Michele Molineris "Il Magistero professionale grafico" in "Il mondo grafico di Don Bosco" L'apertura delle Scuole Professionali da parte di Don Bosco portò immediatamente al problema delle m... 1845 - 1955
Giuseppe Pellitteri "Didattica professionale secondo l'esperienza salesiana" in "Il mondo grafico di Don Bosco" Il testo descrive i primi passi di Don Bosco nell'organizzazione dei suoi laboratori con l'obiettivo... 1845 - 1955
Giuseppe Maria Pugno "Le scuole grafiche salesiane" in "Il mondo grafico di Don Bosco" Il testo descrive il periodo in cui San Francesco di Sales si offrì a Monsignor Claudio di Granier, ... 1845 - 1955
Guido Favini "Il patrono dei giovani apprendisti lavoratori" in "Il mondo grafico di Don Bosco" Il testo descrive la vita e l'opera di Don Bosco, un uomo cresciuto in un ambiente umile e che ha af... 1845 - 1955
Autori Vari Memoirs of the oratory of Saint Francis de Sales, from 1815 to 1855: the autobiography of Saint John Bosco Il testo delinea tre questioni contemporanee e cosa i Salesiani possono imparare da esse attraverso ... 1815 - 1855
Autori Vari Il mondo grafico di Don Bosco Il testo descrive le scuole grafiche salesiane e il loro contributo all'istruzione professionale nel... 1850 - 1955
Jerome Vallabaraj, Sahayadas Fernando Proclaiming the Gospel of Wholeness, The Perennial Relevance of Evangelii Nuntiandi The text reflects on the significance of the full life Jesus offered during his public ministry, emp... 1815 - 2015
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco's golden years with general indexes for the series" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 7" Volume 7, the last in the series Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys Don Bosco’s Life and activit... 1870 - 1888
Arthur Lenti "Expansion of the salesian work in the new world & ecclesiological confrontation at home" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 6" The main part of this Volume 6 (Chs. 1-5) of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, continues th... 1840 - 1890
Arthur Lenti "Institutional expansion" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 5" This fifth volume in the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, is chiefly devoted to a description ... 1840 - 1885
Arthur Lenti "Beginnins of the salesian society and its constitutions" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 4" This fourth volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, focuses on the early Salesian const... 1860 - 1885
Manoel Isaú Souza Ponciano Dos Santos Luz e sombras, internatos no brasil O livro se propõe a traçar a trajetória da aplicação do Sistema Salesiano de Educação, comumente cha... 1883 - 1975
Arthur Lenti "Don Bosco educator, spiritual master, writer and founder of the salesian society" in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 3" The topics dealt with in this third volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, are large a... 1845 - 1870
Arthur Lenti "Birth and early development of Don Bosco's oratory" in "Don Bosco: History and Spirit, vol. 2" This second volume of the series, Don Bosco: History and Spirit, surveys the beginnings and early de... 1840 - 1888
Arthur Lenti "John Bosco's formative years in historical context " in "Don Bosco: history and spirit, vol. 1" The series of volumes discussed here offers a comprehensive exploration of the life of St. John Bosc... 1789 - 1880
Angelo Franco "For the sake of the words", life of Father Andrew Beltrami, Salesian of Don Bosco Omegna is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Italian Alps, on the shores of Lake Orta.... 1858 - 1951
Autori Vari Cronaca del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano, le origini: il sorgere dell'"idea", la nascita e il primo anno accademico (1940-41) Il testo celebra l'ottantesimo anniversario della fondazione del Pontificio Ateneo Salesiano (PAS), ... 1904 - 2020
Václav Klement Goodnight. EAO regional councillor (2014-2020) The text concludes a six-year period (2014-2020) by presenting a collection of 72 regional "Good Nig... 2014 - 2020
Pietro Stella Don Bosco, Religious outlook and spirituality The passage introduces two types of historical reconstruction linked to the figure of Don Bosco: the... 1815 - 1986
Eugene M. Brown Dreams, Visions & Prophecies of Don Bosco The work discusses the lack of encouragement in contemporary Western Christian society to consider d... 1824 - 1978
Francis Desramaut One hundred keywords of salesian spirituality The purpose of this work is to offer accessible insights into the spirituality of Don Bosco and the ... 1880 - 1996
Joseph Bacchiarello 40 dreams of st. John Bosco. The apostle of the youth The second edition of "Dreams of Don Bosco" is presented to readers ten years after its initial publ... 1815 - 1888
Pietro Stella Don Bosco and the death of Charles This essay, originally published as an appendix to "Don Bosco: Life and Works" by Pietro Stella, exa... 1849
Autori Vari The practice of meditation in the prayer life of the salesians of Don Bosco. Proceedings of the Seminar on Salesian Meditation The text discusses the practice of meditation in the prayer life of the Salesians of Don Bosco. This... 2016 - 2018

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