Giorgio Chiosso – “Don Bosco and the Oratory (1841-1855)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This essay traces the birth and development of the Oratory, the first educational enterprise created by Don Bosco in Turin. The main objective of the Oratory was to welcome and take care of young people, especially those “abandoned and at risk”, so that they could save their souls and make them honest citizens.                   

Il presente saggio ripercorre la nascita e lo sviluppo dell’Oratorio, la prima impresa educativa creata da Don Bosco a Torino. L’obiettivo principale dell’Oratorio era quello di accogliere e prendersi cura dei ragazzi, specialmente quelli “abbandonati e a rischio”, in modo da poter salvare le loro anime e farli diventare onesti cittadini.


  • 1. Oratories and popular education in Turin
  • 2. The Oratory at Valdocco (1846-1850)
  • 3. The Salesian Oratories after 1850
  • 4. Later developments

Reference time period: 1841 – 1855

G. Chiosso, Don Bosco and the oratory (1841-1855), in Don Bosco’s place in history, edited by Patrick Egan and Mario Midali, LAS, Roma 1993, 307-323.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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