Francesco Traniello – Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy in «Don Bosco’s place in history»

This essay focuses on Don Bosco’s contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion through his educational activities. Moreover, the Saint was one of the first to realize the need to find, also taking into account the evolving social structure, new ways and techniques for the educational field and also for that one of religious formation.

Il presente saggio si focalizza sul contributo apportato da Don Bosco nel diffondere una cultura popolare basata sulla religione, attraverso le sue attività educative. Inoltre, il Santo fu uno dei primi ad accorgersi dell’esigenza di trovare, tenendo anche in considerazione l’assetto sociale in evoluzione, nuovi modi e tecniche per il campo educativo e anche per quello della formazione religiosa.  


  • 1. The meaning of expression “popular culture”
  • 2. Popular culture and issue of literacy and schooling
  • 3. Two figures: C. Cantù and A. Bresciani 
  • 4. Features of Don Bosco’s contribution
  • 5. The connection between mass-media and istitutional framework 
  • 6. Concluding comments 

Reference time period: 1840 – 1890

F. Traniello, Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy, in «Don Bosco’s place in history», LAS, Roma, 423-438.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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