Francesco Malgeri – “Don Bosco’s work as a publisher” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Don Bosco, as Francesco Malgeri points out, has published throughout his life various types of texts, from pamphlets to magazines dealing with religious themes. His publications are addressed to ordinary people, so he chose a clear and simple language.

Don Bosco, come sottolinea Francesco Malgeri, ha pubblicato lungo il corso della sua vita vari tipi di testi, dagli opuscoli alle riviste che trattano di tematiche religiose. Le sue pubblicazioni sono indirizzate a persone comuni, perciò ha scelto un linguaggio chiaro e semplice.


  • 1. The recent attention to the theme 
  • 2. The motives
  • 3. The “Letture Cattoliche”
  • 4. The place of Don Bosco’s activity 

Reference time period: 1830 – 1888

F. Malgeri, “Don Bosco’s work as a publisher”, in “Don Bosco’s place in history”, LAS, Roma, 451-459.

Reference institution:
Centro Studi Don Bosco
Centro Studi Don Bosco

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