Jesús Manuel García,Riccardo Tonelli – Giovani e tempo. Tra crisi, nostalgie, e speranza

Il rapporto tra “giovani e tempo” può essere accostato, dibattuto e verificato a
partire dalle prospettive più diverse. Di tanto in tanto l’educatore si trova di fronte a interventi a livello di studio o di pubblicistica che vogliono porre l’accento sulla dialettica tra questi due poli che, inevitabilmente, racchiudono un certo fascino e soprattutto alcune sfide.

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David O’Malley – The youth minister as mystic and martyr. Recognizing and supporting religious experience in young people

The study of religious experience and young people is a relatively new field of research. It is important to recognize at the outset that it offers a different entry point into the spiritual lives of young people. It contrasts markedly from the approaches proposed by the cognitive studies of faith development based on Piaget’s work in the last century. Continue reading “David O’Malley – The youth minister as mystic and martyr. Recognizing and supporting religious experience in young people”

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – Vocation et formation: un don et un devoir “Jésus a appelé personnellement ses Apôtres pour qu’ils demeurent avec Lui et pour les envoyer proclamer l’Evangile… Il nous appelle, nous aussi, à vivre dans I’Eglise le projet de notre Fondateur comme apôtres des jeunes. Nous répondons à cet appel en nous engageant dans une formation appropriée et continue, pour laquelle le Seigneur accorde sa grâce chaque jour “. (C 96)

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – Vocação e formação: dom e tarefa “Jesus chamou pessoalmente seus apóstolos para que ficassem com Ele e para enviá-los a proclamar o Evangelho…Ele chama para vivermos na Igreja o projeto de nosso Fundador como apóstolos dos jovens. Respondemos a esse apelo com o empenho de uma formação adequada e continua, para a qual o Senhor dá cada dia a sua graça” (Const. 96)

João dos Santos Barbosa Neto – Dalla fede alla virtù: un cammino catechetico mistagogico di discernimento

L’integrazione tra la vita e la fede nel vissuto del giovane cristiano passa attraverso l’assimilazione progressiva dei contenuti della catechesi e dell’iniziazione all’esperienza del mistero vissuto nei sacramenti. La conoscenza di Gesù e il rapporto personale stabilito con lui sono due assi che non si oppongono ma che insieme formano la base fondamentale per una  autentica vita cristiana. Continue reading “João dos Santos Barbosa Neto – Dalla fede alla virtù: un cammino catechetico mistagogico di discernimento”

Samuel Komanvi Amaglo – Les jeunes au carrefour de la mission comme exercice de dialogue éducatif théologique. L’experience des Salesiens de Don Bosco au Maroc

Partendo dall’esperienza salesiana dell’accompagnamento dei giovani cristiani e musulmani nel contesto pastorale e di dialogo interreligioso del Marocco, questo contributo – in lingua francese – mette a fuoco il ruolo dei giovani nella relazione costruttiva tra missione evangelizzatrice, educazione e dialogo interreligioso, che sono sempre coesistiti nei vari contesti del mondo. Continue reading “Samuel Komanvi Amaglo – Les jeunes au carrefour de la mission comme exercice de dialogue éducatif théologique. L’experience des Salesiens de Don Bosco au Maroc”

Francis Desramaut – Contemporary spirituality of the salesian family

A noted Salesian scholar and author, Fr. Desramaut has recently undertaken a work of major proportions, a dictionary of Salesian spirituality. The title of the work is: Les cent mots-clefs de la spiritualite salesienne (One Hundred Keywords in Salesian Spirituality). It is being published in installments in Cahiers Salesiens, the journal of the Center of Salesian Studies in Lyons (France), over which Fr. Desramaut presides. The first installment of the work (containing entries from A to C) is prefaced by an introductory essay on Salesian spirituality. This is the essay which is given here in English as meticulously translated by Fr. Arthur J. Lenti.

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department – The preventive system: a spiritual and educational experience

Don Bosco’s God-given vocation for the mission of salvation of the young, especially the  poorest, involves many people and groups in a common spirituality and a shared educational and pastoral method which is the Preventive System. It is the source and inspiration of a 
concrete and original way of living and implementing the Salesian mission which we call  Salesian Youth Ministry. In this fourth chapter, the educative and pastoral approach will gradually take shape, starting from its guiding principle which is pastoral charity. The centrality of pastoral charity offers a real prospect of renewal for the pastoral care of young people. It is  therefore the criterion and pivot of pastoral planning at all levels. The Preventive System, in so far as it is a project of holistic education, comprises essentially two aspects. It is a project of  Christian life (Salesian Youth Spirituality) and a practical pedagogical method. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – The preventive system: a spiritual and educational experience”

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