Giancarlo Milanesi – “Cultura ed educazione per il mondo del lavoro in società industrializzate” in “Salesiani nel mondo del lavoro”. Atti del convegno

Questo studio adotta una prospettiva sociologica, esaminando rapidamente le sfide attuali del mondo del lavoro nelle società industrializzate europee. Continue reading “Giancarlo Milanesi – “Cultura ed educazione per il mondo del lavoro in società industrializzate” in “Salesiani nel mondo del lavoro”. Atti del convegno”

Léon Verbeek – Ombres et clairières. Histoire de l’impantation de l’Eglise catholique dans le diocèse de Sakania, Zaïre (1910-1970)

Le phénomène religieux au Zaïre a fait l’objet d’un certain nombre d’études historiques. Un grand nombre d’entre elles cherchent à connaître l’affrontement entre société et conceptions traditionnelles d’une part et religions étrangères d’autre part. Ainsi des phénomènes comme le Kimbanguisme, le Kitawala, la Jamaa et d’autres mouvements semblables sont assez bien connus.

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Jose Kuruvachira – “Inculturation of the salesian charism in India” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014”

Inculturation of the Salesian charism in India implies, making Don Bosco’s charism firmly rooted in Indian culture so that it acquires a truly Indian identity. It has been argued that the case of India is one of the amazing success stories of inculturation of Don Bosco’s charism in the history of the Salesian congregation. The pioneer groups of Salesians who came to India faithfully and creatively implanted and inculturated thè Salesian charism in their “new fatherland”, taking into consideration its religious, social, politicai, economie and cultural ethos and contexts.

Continue reading “Jose Kuruvachira – “Inculturation of the salesian charism in India” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014””

Nicola Bottiglieri – “L’esperienza unica di Reduccion nell’isola Dawson-Cile” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014”

Il 21 luglio del 1887, in pieno inverno, con 11 gradi sotto zero, quattro salesiani piemontesi, con una valigia color marrone ed un baule con gli arredi sacri arrivarono in nave a Punta Arenas, allora la città più meridionale del mondo. A mettere piede sul molo di legno erano i padri Giuseppe Fagnano, Antonio Ferrerò, insieme al chierico Fortunato Griffa ed al catechista fratello Giuseppe Audisio.

Continue reading “Nicola Bottiglieri – “L’esperienza unica di Reduccion nell’isola Dawson-Cile” in “Sviluppo del carisma di Don Bosco fino alla metà del secolo XX. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Storia Salesiana Roma, 19-23 novembre 2014””

Vito Orlando – “Ricerca di senso nella società attuale e spiritualità salesiana” in “Colloqui sulla Vita Salesiana 20”

In base alle precisazioni fatte dal responsabile culturale dei Colloqui, il senso del mio contributo si precisa come individuazione di alcune “tendenze della società del nostro tempo” che consentano di valutare e verificare la significatività e la nostra capacità di mediazione della spiritualità salesiana nel Terzo Millennio.

Continue reading “Vito Orlando – “Ricerca di senso nella società attuale e spiritualità salesiana” in “Colloqui sulla Vita Salesiana 20””

Enrico Danieli – “The initium of the salesian presence in Thailand” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.

In the years 1924-25, the Salesian Congregation was preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Salesian missions and to this purpose some qualified confreres were giving talks on Salesian Missions, in parishes, schools, to cooperators and alumni to animate them about the missionary work and to get their support. On the 25h of February 1924,Msgr. Dante Munerati, the Salesian Procurator in Rome, wrote a letter to inform the Superiors in Turin that he had received an unofficial note from His Excellency Cardinal Van Rossum, Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, saying that he would like to entrust a new mission in the Kingdom of Siam to the Salesians. Continue reading “Enrico Danieli – “The initium of the salesian presence in Thailand” in “The beginning of the Salesian presence in east Asia”.”

Silvia Laura Zanini – “Patagonia: Terreno para una hìstoria social de los salesianos. El choque cultural” , in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale”.

La Patagonia es por excelencia el espacio de estudio para una Historia Social de los Salesianos. Lo es por multiples razones, pero fundamentalmente
porque era el sueno anhelado de Don Bosco y porque es aqui donde la labor de
los Misioneros andantes encontró terreno fértil y virgen para evangelizar y educar
desde el momento mismo del proceso de la conquista territorial. Continue reading “Silvia Laura Zanini – “Patagonia: Terreno para una hìstoria social de los salesianos. El choque cultural” , in “L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922. Significatività e portata sociale”.”

Dominic Veliath – Encounter of the salesian charism. South Asian context

The theme of this reflection, entitled: “Encounter of the Salesian Charism: South Asian Context, is self-explanatory. Drawing out its implications, the topic can be articulated in three focal points, implied in the very title, that is, “Salesian charism,” “South Asia,” and finally, the issue of the “Encounter…”.

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department – Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity

Fullness of life and the happiness of human beings is the ultimate purpose of the plan of God. The Gospel of Christ shows great trust in humanity. It demands that we pay attention to the unique reality of every person and their willingness to accept their vocation and destiny in  Christ, the perfect man. The Gospel proposes the good news (the person of Christ) who invites everyone to share in Christ’s sonship, the foundation of the freedom and dignity of every  person. Don Bosco educated and evangelised by carrying out a project of holistic development. He saw education as the growth of the person, with all the means necessary to assist the  person. Evangelisation inspires people to the fullness of life offered in Jesus and enlightens  them in its pursuit, always respecting the developing conscience of each person. Finally,  regarding the choice of fi eld of ministry, we are sent to the poor, especially the poorest, and to ordinary class environments, where we seek to humanise and evangelise the culture. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity”

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