Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me” (1Cor 11,24). Making the Eucharist in order to become Eucharist” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

In this letter, the author shares their reflections on the Eucharist, acknowledging that some may find it repetitive given past discussions. However, they express a personal need to revisit the topic due to its significance. The letter hints at serious concerns that will be addressed regarding the Eucharistic mystery and its role in their lives and pastoral work. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me” (1Cor 11,24). Making the Eucharist in order to become Eucharist” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “”But who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8,28). Looking at Christ through the eyes of Don Bosco” in “Acts of the Superior Council of the Salesian Society”

The letter, written during the Christmas season, reflects on the significance of the Incarnation and the closeness of God to humanity through Jesus Christ. It acknowledges the joy of the Christmas message while also recognizing the challenges and hardships faced by Mary, Joseph, and ultimately Jesus himself. Continue reading “Pascual Chavez Villanueva – “”But who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8,28). Looking at Christ through the eyes of Don Bosco” in “Acts of the Superior Council of the Salesian Society””

Michele Rua – “La povertà” in “Lettere circolari di Don Michele Rua ai salesiani”

La povertà in se stessa non è una virtù; essa una legittima conseguenza della colpa originale, destinata da Dio all’espiazione dei peccati ed alla santificazione delle anime. E’ quindi naturale che l’uomo ne abbia orrore, la consideri come una sciagura, e faccia quanto sta in lui per evitarla. La povertà diventa una virtù solo quando è volontariamente abbracciata per amor di Dio, come fanno coloro che si dànno alla vita religiosa. Continue reading “Michele Rua – “La povertà” in “Lettere circolari di Don Michele Rua ai salesiani””

Paolo Albera – “Consigli ed avvisi per conservare lo spirito di D. Bosco in tutte le case” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

Il documento fornito consiste in una serie di consigli e avvisi indirizzati agli ispettori e direttori delle case salesiane, con l’obiettivo di conservare lo spirito di Don Bosco. Datato 23 aprile 1917, il testo sottolinea l’importanza dell’intercessione di Don Bosco nelle difficoltà belliche e invita i destinatari a pregare fervorosamente per ottenere la protezione divina.

Continue reading “Paolo Albera – “Consigli ed avvisi per conservare lo spirito di D. Bosco in tutte le case” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani””

Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Beatification of Bro. Artemide Zatti: a sensational precedent” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco”

The letter celebrates the recent beatification of seven Salesian coadjutor martyrs and Brother Artemide Zatti. It underscores the significance of these events in filling a historical gap and highlighting the value of coadjutor brothers in Salesian life. Continue reading “Juan Edmundo Vecchi – “Beatification of Bro. Artemide Zatti: a sensational precedent” in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco””

Sacra Rituum Congregatione – Sacra Rituum Congregatione, Aquen, Beatificationis et canonizationis servae Dei Mariae Dominicae Mazzarello prima antistitae Instituti Filiarum Mariae Auxiliatricis. Summarium super dubio

Paolo Albera – “Motivi di conforto nelle attuali tristezze” in “Lettere circolari di Don Paolo Albera ai salesiani”

Questo testo, scritto dal Rettor Maggiore della congregazione salesiana nel 1915 durante la Prima guerra mondiale, offre una prospettiva unica sulle sfide e le fonti di conforto affrontate dalla comunità salesiana in quel periodo.

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John Dickson – “An introduction to Don Rua’s letters to England” in “Journal of Salesian studies”

Michael Rua (1837-1910) was a pupil, then the lifetime collaborator and finally, the first successor of St. John Bosco as Rector Major of the Salesian Society (1888-1910). During his Rectorate the Salesians grew from 1030 members in 64 houses to 4420 confreres scattered across the globe. Don Rua’s letters to England offer the reader a glimpse of the character of their writer and of the pastoral care he took of a small group of relatively insignificant Salesians in what was very often the inhospitable atmosphere of the British empire at the height of its power.

Continue reading “John Dickson – “An introduction to Don Rua’s letters to England” in “Journal of Salesian studies””

Autori Vari – “Evangelizar y educar: nuestra identidad apostólica” in “La pastoral juvenil salesiana”

El sentido último del plan de Dios es la vida plena y la felicidad de los seres humanos. El Evangelio de Cristo tiene gran confi anza en lo humano. Es necesaria la atención a la realidad única de cada persona y la disponibilidad a acoger su vocación y destino en Cristo, “hombre perfecto”.

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry”

Fullness of life and the happiness of human beings is the ultimate purpose of the plan of God. The Gospel of Christ shows great trust in humanity. It demands that we pay attention to the unique reality of every person and their willingness to accept their vocation and destiny in  Christ, the perfect man. The Gospel proposes the good news (the person of Christ) who invites everyone to share in Christ’s sonship, the foundation of the freedom and dignity of every  person. Don Bosco educated and evangelised by carrying out a project of holistic development. He saw education as the growth of the person, with all the means necessary to assist the  person. Evangelisation inspires people to the fullness of life offered in Jesus and enlightens  them in its pursuit, always respecting the developing conscience of each person. Finally,  regarding the choice of fi eld of ministry, we are sent to the poor, especially the poorest, and to ordinary class environments, where we seek to humanise and evangelise the culture. Continue reading “Salesian Youth Ministry Department – “Evangelising and educating: our apostolic identity” in “Salesian Youth Ministry””

Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 3: Evangelizzare ed educare: la nostra identità apostolica” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana”

La vita in pienezza e la felicità degli esseri umani è il senso ultimo del piano di Dio. Il Vangelo
di Cristo ha una grande fiducia nell’umano. Occorre porre attenzione alla realtà unica di ogni persona e la disponibilità ad  accoglierne la vocazione e il destino in Cristo, “uomo perfetto”. Continue reading “Autori Vari,Fabio Attard – “Capitolo 3: Evangelizzare ed educare: la nostra identità apostolica” in “La pastorale giovanile salesiana””

Paul Formosa – “Historical sketch of the oratory of Don Bosco in Malta” in “Journal of Salesian Studies”

In this article, I will attempt to trace how Don Bosco’s original experience was translated in such a way that his work could be established in Malta – an island country in the Mediterranean with a distinct tradition and culture from that in which the Salesian story first began and developed in Turin, Italy. I will place special emphasis on the Salesian Oratory, Sliema.

Continue reading “Paul Formosa – “Historical sketch of the oratory of Don Bosco in Malta” in “Journal of Salesian Studies””

Filippo Rinaldi – Lettera del Rettor Maggiore dei salesiani Sac. Filippo Rinaldi

Il Rettor Maggiore don Filippo Rinaldi scrive alla Madre Generale e a tutte le FMA, in occasione della festa di Maria Ausiliatrice nell’anno del giubileo d’oro della fondazione dell’Istituto delle FMA (1922). Ripercorre brevemente il cammino realizzato da don Bosco per la fondazione dell’Istituto e risalta come in quest’opera egli sia stato guidato da Dio. Sottolinea l’ispirazione  di don Bosco di voler  fondare un Istituto che fosse il “monumento della sua riconoscenza” a Maria Ausiliatrice.

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Pietro Ricaldone – Atti del Capitolo superiore della Società salesiana

Nell’anno centenario della fondazione del primo Oratorio è bene mettere nella miglior luce il grande dono che la Vergine Immacolata fece alla gioventù guidando il suo fedele servo Don Bosco a questa terra benedetta, destinata ad essere centro e foco d’irradiazione delle Opere salesiane a salvezza delle anime.

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