Anna Saksri Ngamwong – “History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary” in “L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo”

Fr. Carlo Della Torre SDB is the Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary. The History and the development of this Institution are strictly connected with the life of the Founder.

He fought and faced various obstacles only to follow what God had established for him. Through the advises of Our Lady and of St. John Bosco, he faithfully followed the will of God, even when he had to suffer for the incomprehension of the people, especially the Superiors and members of the Salesian Congregation who he always loved. Though he strongly felt forced to it, he was ready to overcome his feelings asking to enter among the diocesan clergy of Bangkok, where he found a good welcome from the Bishop and the local clergy.

P. Carlo Della Torre SDB è il fondatore dell’Istituto delle Figlie della regalità di Maria. La storia e lo sviluppo di questo istituto sono strettamente legate alla vita del fondatore. Ha combattuto e ha affrontato vari ostacoli solo per seguire ciò per cui Dio aveva stabilito per lui. Attraverso i consigli della Madonna e di San Giovanni Bosco, fedelmente ha seguito la volontà di Dio, anche quando ha dovuto soffrire per l’incomprensione del popolo, in particolare i Superiori e i membri della Congregazione Salesiana che ha sempre amato. Anche se si sentiva fortemente costretto, era pronto a superare i suoi sentimenti chiedendo di entrare tra il clero diocesano di Bangkok, dove ha trovato una buona accoglienza dal Vescovo e dal clero locale.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Fr. Carlo: the source of the Charism
  • 3. Carlo’s youth
  • 4. Following the internal voice: 1923-1936
    • 4.1. Life in the mission lands
    • 4.2. The reward of life on the dfficult path
  • 5. The missionary priest: 1936-1950
    • 5.1 . Looking for the will of God
    • 5.2. Fidelity to the Providence
  • 6. His last years: always humble, simple and faithful
    • 6.1. A Salesian from beginning to end
  • 7. The way of the charism: The Institute of the Queenship of Mary
  • 8. The way leading to the Daughters of the Queenship of Mary: 1937 -1952
    • 8.1. Walking with our lady
    • 8.2. The realization of a dream
    • 8.3. The first small house
  • 9. The bases of the Institute and the enlargement of its activities
    • 9.1. The charism giving lift
    • 9.2. The way to the Salesian Family

Reference time period: 1923 – 1996

A. S. Ngamwong, History of the origins of the institute of the daughters of the queenship of Mary in a cura di G. Loparco e S. Zimniak, L’educazione salesiana in Europa negli anni difficili del XX secolo,LAS, Roma, 2008, 103-128. 

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