Guido Novella – “Preghiera a Dio-Amore” in “Educare all’amore”. Atti della XVI settimana di spiritualità per la Famiglia Salesiana

Si riporta la preghiera conclusiva degli atti delle XVI settimana di spiritualità per la Famiglia Salesiana di Don Guido Novella. 

Periodo di riferimento: 1992 – 1993

G. Novella, “Preghiera a Dio-Amore” in “Educare all’amore“. Atti della XVI settimana di spiritualità per la Famiglia Salesiana, Editrice SDB, Roma, 25-29 gennaio 1993, 291-293. 

Istituzione di riferimento:
Dicastero per la Pastorale Giovanile SDB
Dicastero per la Pastorale Giovanile SDB

Maria Concetta Ventura – L’immagine di Don Bosco sulla stampa italiana

Il volume raccoglie gli articoli dei diversi giornali che hanno parlato di Giovanni Bosco durante le tappe del cammino verso la santità. Dopo un inquadramento storico-politico e un accenno alla stampa periodica italiana dei decenni 1888-1934 si sofferma l’attenzione su tre momenti: la morte di Don Bosco, la beatificazione, la santificazione. Di ognuno se ne tratta a partire dalle diverse testate giornalistiche, ognuna proponendo titoli e fatti diversi i quali risaltano tutti l’unicità di quest’uomo.

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Aldo Giraudo – “L’apporto dei Salesiani nell’Italia lacerata dalla guerra (1940-1945) – Le case del Piemonte” in “Salesiani di Don Bosco in Italia. 150 anni di educazione”

Nel presente saggio viene menzionato un periodo tragico per la nostra nazione, la seconda guerra mondiale, e il ruolo cruciale che ebbero i salesiani, coordinati dal Rettor maggiore Pietro Ricaldone, sul territorio piemontese: si impegnarono in un intenso lavoro di solidarietà e di partecipazione operosa.

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Fabio Targhetta – “La riforma Gentile: il decollo della SEI” in “Salesiani di Don Bosco in Italia. 150 anni di educazione”

Fabio Targhetta nel suo saggio ripercorre gli adattamenti apportati al catalogo della casa editrice SEI (Società Editrice Internazionale), espressione del metodo educativo salesiano, durante l’entrata in vigore della riforma Gentile. La SEI ha potuto orientare la produzione scolastica diretta al grado secondario dell’istruzione verso posizioni di «esplicito, anche se rispettoso, anti-idealismo gentiliano», mentre per le scuole elementari ha dovuto piegarsi alle circostanze poiché quei testi erano vincolati ai severi giudizi delle Commissioni ministeriali.

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Francis Desramaut – “VII. La grande expansion (1878-1883)” in “Cahier Salésiens. Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco”

Ce volume fait partie d’une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bosco. Dans le premier chapitre les sujets abordés sont les suivants: 1) Le rapport entre Don Bosco et le Pape Léon XIII et l’invitation à l’audience privée avec le pontife 2) L’affaire Gastaldi: un nouveau litige entre Don Bosco et Gastaldi, l’archevêque de Turin, à cause de la célébration de la mort de Pie IX 3) L’abrogation des principeaux privilèges des Salésiens

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Pietro Braido – “Prospects for future research on Don Bosco” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Pietro Braido in his essay (final contribution of the Congress) retraces the central points treated by the various scholars and lists some themes to be explored for future research such as, for example, reflections related to theology or historical events made by the Saint at the “beginnings” of his life, Don Bosco writer and editor for the masses, major publication of critical texts of the sources.

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Pietro Scoppola – “Don Bosco and «modernity»” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Pietro Scoppola in his essay focuses on the aspects that bring Don Bosco’s work closer to “modernity”. In particular, his educational method is considered modern because it puts the freedom of expression of children in the first place, encouraging their personal resources without imposing pre-established behaviors. In addition, Don Bosco was a modern pioneer in being able to balance school with professional training and work during a historical period when Italian legislation did not deal with such issues.

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John Itzaina – “The «Epistolario» of Don Bosco: fifty-eight letters to Clara Louvet” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

The contents of the 58 letters exchanged between Don Bosco and the French Salesian Cooperator, Claire Louvet (their first meeting took place in 1881), reveal much about the Saint’s character, as Itzaina points out in her essay: his interests and his curious nature, his humor, his sensitivity and delicacy in approaching a woman and his opinions on various topics. In addition, the portrait emerges of a man who knows how to laugh at himself, but also of a guide who, with fatherly affection, instructs, corrects and exhorts the other to establish a closer union with God.

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Jesús Borrego – “The originality of Don Bosco’s Patagonian missionary enterprise” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Borrego in his essay focuses on the missionary enterprise in Patagonia-Argentina undertaken by Don Bosco. The first goals achieved were the construction of churches and schools and the provision of Christian education to young people (especially poor ones). A particular feature of Don Bosco’s missionary strategy was the surprising large participation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

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Francesco Malgeri – “Don Bosco’s work as a publisher” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Don Bosco, as Francesco Malgeri points out, has published throughout his life various types of texts, from pamphlets to magazines dealing with religious themes. His publications are addressed to ordinary people, so he chose a clear and simple language.

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Stefano Pivato – Don Bosco and the popular theatre in «Don Bosco’s place in history»

The present essay focuses on Don Bosco’s decision to adopt Catholic popular theatre as a further educational tool, to the point that at a later time it becomes part of the methods of the Preventive System. The stage thus becomes, not only a place of learning for the spectators, but also for the actors themselves. The first theatrical performance, according to what is mentioned in Memorie, dates back to June 29, 1847.

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Francesco Traniello – Don Bosco in the history of popular culture in Italy in «Don Bosco’s place in history»

This essay focuses on Don Bosco’s contribution to spreading a popular culture based on religion through his educational activities. Moreover, the Saint was one of the first to realize the need to find, also taking into account the evolving social structure, new ways and techniques for the educational field and also for that one of religious formation.

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Fausto Jimenez – Don Bosco and the cultivation of ecclesiastical and religious vocations in «Don Bosco’s place in history»

The present essay emphasizes Don Bosco’s dedication to promoting vocations, both among men and women. The Saint also dealt with “late” vocations, not only those among young people. For him it was of fundamental importance to find a sufficient number of priests/nuns to meet the needs of the observants.

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Cesare Scurati – Classroom and “playground”: a combination essential to Don Bosco’s scheme of total education in «Don Bosco’s place in history»

Cesare Scurati in his essay focuses on Don Bosco’s intuition in the need to integrate school activites with the extra ones, that is games and physical activities. These latter types of activities allow young people to express their vitality and increase their skills at a relational level.

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