Franco Molinari – “Church and World in Don Bosco’s «Storia Ecclesiastica»” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

Don Bosco in his book “Ecclesiastical History” talks about the Church and the World and their bond, which over the centuries has been very tortuous. Unlike the “fundamentalist” conservatives, Don Bosco had a clear vision of the reality that surrounded him and this awareness was not due to his studies in the historical field, but to his ability to know how to read the present.     

Continue reading “Franco Molinari – “Church and World in Don Bosco’s «Storia Ecclesiastica»” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Giuseppe Tuninetti – “The conflict between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history”

This paper outlines the reasons that led to the clash between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin, Lorenzo Gastaldi, between 1871 and 1883.                                                                              Nel presente saggio vengono delineati i motivi che hanno portato allo scontro fra Don Bosco e l’arcivescovo di Torino, Lorenzo Gastaldi, fra il 1871 e il 1883.

Continue reading “Giuseppe Tuninetti – “The conflict between Don Bosco and the Archbishop of Turin Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883)” in “Don Bosco’s place in history””

Francis Desramaut – “Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco VI. Par-delà les frontières (1874-1878)” in “Cahiers Salésiens”

Ce volume fait partie d’une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bosco. Il couvre un arc temporel qui embrasse l’année 1874 jusqu’à 1878. Continue reading “Francis Desramaut – “Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco VI. Par-delà les frontières (1874-1878)” in “Cahiers Salésiens””

Francis Desramaut – “Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco VII. La grande expansion (1878-1883)” in “Cahiers Salésiens”

Ce volume fait partie d’une collection de texts, écrits en français, qui racontent la vie de Don Bosco. Dans le premier chapitre les sujets abordés sont les suivants: 1) Le rapport entre Don Bosco et le Pape Léon XIII et l’invitation à l’audience privée avec le pontife 2) L’affaire Gastaldi: un nouveau litige entre Don Bosco et Gastaldi, l’archevêque de Turin, à cause de la célébration de la mort de Pie IX 3) L’abrogation des principeaux privilèges des Salésiens 4) L’affaire Bonetti-Gastaldi: la publication d’un article par le redacteur de “Bollettino Salesiano”, Bonetti, sur l’église S. Giovanni Evangelista, monument à la mémoire de Pie IX, ouvre une nouvelle brisure avec l’archevêque 5) Les premières missionaires des filles de Marie Auxiliatrice débarquent, en 1878, aux pays de l’Amérique du Sud et cette meme année Don Bosco donne à l’institut des filles de Marie Auxiliatrice leurs prèmieres constitutions imprimées. Continue reading “Francis Desramaut – “Etudes préalables à une biographie de saint Jean Bosco VII. La grande expansion (1878-1883)” in “Cahiers Salésiens””

Anastasio A. Ballestrero – San Giovanni Bosco. Sacerdote di Cristo e della Chiesa

Il testo riflette sull’importanza del modello sacerdotale incarnato da san Giovanni Bosco, ispirato alla figura di san Giuseppe Cafasso, suo maestro spirituale. Si evidenzia come Bosco abbia assimilato e realizzato i tratti della spiritualità salesiana, caratterizzata da un profondo servizio divino, spirito di orazione, dolcezza, povertà, umiltà, lavoro instancabile e dedizione alla cura pastorale del prossimo. Continue reading “Anastasio A. Ballestrero – San Giovanni Bosco. Sacerdote di Cristo e della Chiesa”

Giuseppe Tuninetti – “Il conflitto fra Don Bosco e l’arcivescovo di Torino Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883)” in “Don Bosco nella storia”

Il titolo di questa comunicazione riflette i reali rapporti tra don Bosco e l’arcivescovo di Torino, Lorenzo Gastaldi, negli anni 1871-1883. Non si intende enfatizzare una particolare vicenda, ma piuttosto evidenziare la specificità del conflitto tra i due e le loro complesse personalità. Continue reading “Giuseppe Tuninetti – “Il conflitto fra Don Bosco e l’arcivescovo di Torino Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883)” in “Don Bosco nella storia””

Giuseppe Tuninetti – “El conflicto entre Don Bosco y el arzobispo de Turín Lorenzo Gastaldi (1871-1883)” in “Don Bosco en la historia”. Actas del primer congreso internacional de estudios sobre San Juan Bosco

Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work”

Relationships between Don Bosco and Archbishop Gastaldi went through two different stages, one of great understanding and cooperation, and another of notable difficulties and conflicts. The watershed could be considered to be Gastaldi’s transferral from the Episcopal See of Saluzzo to being Archbishop of Turin in 1871.

Continue reading “Giovanni Bosco – “Difficult relationships with the Archbishop of Turin” in “Salesian Sources 1. Don Bosco and his work. Collected work””

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